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Puerh & Black Tea

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Popular & Premium Tea Selections

10 – 40 years for Aged Puerh and Wah Fong Classic Reserve of these tea products

  1. Aged Puerh

  2. Wah Fong Classic Reserve

  3. Vintage Puerh

  4. Yunnan Dian Hong

  5. Qimen Hong

  6. WuYi JinJunmei

  7. Lapsang Souchong

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Pu’Er Tea: Everything You
Need to Know

Pu’Er is the tea of choice for connoisseurs who prefer a darker brew. Its distinctive flavor is rich and powerful, with a deep brown hue.

Over time, Pu’Er gains complexity and depth, as the leaves’ natural enzymes intensify. It boasts numerous benefits, including improved digestion, body warming, and cold prevention.

Not only is Pu'Er rich in vitamins and minerals, but it is also high in amino acids, which stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, aid digestion, and help break down fats.

There are two types of Pu’Er: Raw Pu’Er and Ripe Pu’Er. We import Raw Pu’Er from Yunnan, where it is stored for several years to let nature take its course. This labor-intensive process dates back over 50 years to provide the traditional, beloved taste that Hong Kong tea-lovers favor.

Raw Pu’Er is darker in color, while Ripe Pu’Er is slightly lighter. Both pour a darkish brew with teasing notes of brown-red and brownish-yellow.

Ripe Pu’Er boasts a sweet, woody flavor with a silky, fruity finish. Try blending it with dried tangerine for an extra fruity lift.

Pu’Er is often compressed into tea bricks and cakes to preserve its nutrients. Tea bricks are dense and can weigh up to 26 pounds.

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